Landlord Guide
Renting your property can be a daunting prospect, but when handled correctly, it should lead to steady returns on an investment that is only ever likely to increase in value.
We put a lot of importance on ensuring the smooth management of your property by sourcing the right tenants, forming the correct agreements and having our most knowledgeable personnel on board.
A few things landlords can expect when appointing us to let and/or mange your property:

Below are two options for clients wishing to rent out their properties and we’d be happy to discuss with you what one is most likely to suit you:
Tenant Find & Rent Collection
9% of the annual rent, collected monthly
We understand exactly how important finding the right tenant can be and how much time, money and energy can be saved if we get it right from the outset. Luckily we have countless conversations on a daily basis with applicants looking for rental properties across North London so already have a large pool to choose from. Once we have ensured you and your property are compliant and up to date with the latest certificates and regulations, we will source and reference the tenant(s), arrange for the creation and execution of the tenancy agreement and collection of the tenants initial monies. We will collect your rent, and provide you a statement each month, for the duration of the tenancy. Our ongoing input allows us to keep you abreast of any changes in legislation, be that, at local, or national level, to ensure the tenancy remain compliant.
Management Service
12% of the annual rent, collected monthly
Our most comprehensive lettings service is unsurprisingly the most popular. This management service is designed to offer complete peace-of-mind including everything that’s in our Tenant Finding Service plus all the monthly administrative tasks such as registering deposit monies, collecting rent, check-in’s, check-out’s and mid-term inspections. Most importantly, our Management Service deals with emergency maintenance issues 24 hours a day, 365 days year, leaving you to sit back and collect your rent.